Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Corby Cube overspend.

The political situation in Corby is one that went against the national trend at the last set of local government elections in 2011. Whilst the Conservative party saw great electoral success up and down the country, in Corby, we did not. Despite all our efforts, the Labour party in Corby increased their majority and with it, they recieved the trust and confidence of the people of Corby.
Yet, what have they done with that confidence? The Labour controlled Corby Borough Council have let the people of Corby down. They have wasted taxpayers money on a tremendous scale.

£10 MILLION is the overspend of Corby Borough Council on the Corby Cube, a project which we were told would amount to £35 million, so how did it come in at £10M over budget?

The leader of Corby Borough Council, Councillor Tom Beattie has refused to release the report which would shed light on what exactly went so wrong and why the taxpayers of Corby have been left to foot the bill.

Perhaps we shall see over the course of the next few months whether the new Member of Parliament for Corby and East Northants, Andy Sawford MP will give the people of Corby that voice, the voice he very much promised to give them at the election. Maybe Andy Sawford will express his concerns, because afterall, this overspend should not have been able to happen, and members of Corby Borough Council should either be held to account, or consider their positions.

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