Monday 17 June 2013

Let Britain Decide

As we at the Adjournment pointed out in a previous article about the membership of Britain in the European Union, the British people have not had a say on what is a very dominant political force in our everyday lives in the last 40 years.

It does not matter whether you are strongly opposed to the idea of the European Union or whether you are in favour of further integration, the point is that it is time to bring the debate to the country and give the people a voice regarding the future ofthe United Kingdom.

The Member of Parliament for Stockton South, James Wharton MP, topped the private member's bill ballot earlier this year and is bringing the referendum bill before Parliament.

The Adjournment supports the great effort by James Wharton to finally bring this bill forward before the next general election, but we recognise there is a long way to go from here.

As the Prime Minister pointed out last week in the House of Commons, there appears to be confusion from the opposition benches regarding this issue with some members of the Shadow Cabinet apparently expressing the need for a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union. Those many weeks ago when Ed Milliband stood up in the Commons to respond to the Prime Minister, stating that the Labour Party does not support a referendum in a bid to expose the 'deep Tory divides' on the issue of Europe has backfired incredibly, because the British people want to have that say.

You can get behind the campaign to deliver that referendum promise before the next election by visiting;

You can find details of how to get involved and how to get in touch with your local MP.

So what are we waiting for? Let us bring the debate to the British people today for a better tomorrow.


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