Tuesday 9 July 2013

Shadow Foreign Secretary Targeted By Unite

The Adjournment has learned that in addition to the controversy in Falkirk, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, Douglas Alexander MP was targeted by the Unite Union in a bid to ensure that he lost his seat at the next general Election.

In leaked minutes of the Unite Unions governing Council, it revealed that the Union wished to oust the Shadow Foreign Secretary in a boundary review proposal that would see his Paisley and Renfrewshire South constituency merged with the neighbouring Paisley and Renfrewshire North constituency which is held by Jim Sheridan MP, who quite funnily enough is the chair of the Unite Parliamentary Group.
Unite Planned to unseat Douglas Alexander MP.

According to Labour sources, the proposal to create a merged Paisley and Renfrew seat saw Unite increase its membership activity in the area in the hope that Sheridan would be selected over Alexander for the new constituency.

The Shadow Foreign Secretary, Douglas Alexander has always be associated as a member of the Blairite faction and this proposal which would ultimately have seen his constituency abolished and himself unseated is yet more evidence of the Unite Union wishing to purge the Labour Party of all Blairites and replace them with members who will deliver that all important left wing general election campaign which Len McCluskey wishes to see.

More on this particular story as it develops.

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